產品介紹: 摩西密碼 The Moses Code: The Movie DVD The documentary The Moses Code begins with a simple premise - the idea that in Biblical times, the Old Testament God gave Moses a rudimentary "code," used to "tap into" the power of Jehovah and perform miracles in day-to-day life. The creators of this documentary argue that this same code was recently rediscovered and can still be used in the day-to-day lives of individuals, to both accelerate one's own personal development and enhance the surrounding world in benevolent ways. In the company of several noted spiritual teachers, the filmmakers then set about instructing viewers on how to accomplish these goals. James F. Twyman is an internationally renowned Peace Troubadour and the best-selling author of ten books, including Emissary of Light and The Moses Code. He s also the executive producer and co-writer of the feature film Indigo, and the director of Indigo Evolution. (片長約95分鐘) 注意: 此為「拆封福利品」。如要全新品,請勿購買。 -商品外盒稍舊,狀態良好約8-9成新,封面及內附彩頁皆完好,無任何褶痕或破損。-本產品為美國版全區光碟,已測試播放正常,台灣的DVD機器和電腦DVD-ROM都可播放。 -本品為英語發音,且並無中、英文字幕。如介意者請勿購買。購買後不接受因語言因素(例如:沒有字幕、聽不懂英文..等)而導致之退貨。 |
本品規格:已拆封 DVD X 1張 |